Working full time as an ER nurse at the largest level 1 trauma center in the county, Beaumont hospital, Royal Oak requires a major outlet. For Mythy (pronounced “mighty”) it’s cooking, baking and exploring new food cultures and cuisine. What first started as baking for pleasure for her coworkers as a way to boost morale when shifts were chaotic, became a passion for experimenting with unique flavors. These days when Mythy isn’t working, she’s making Hokkaido milk bread with Chinese-Vietnamese-American flavors as an homage to her Asian American upbringing. From food and posting what she makes on instagram as @mightyinthemitten, nurturing health at home and at work truly has come full circle for her.
A media company on a mission to create purposeful content.
By creating and sharing stories, summits, and larger scale programs with purpose, we work to connect the Detroit community with an economy for the common good.
Integrating digital and in person experiences allows us, and our partners, to explore topics IRL of sustainability, business, and culture.
With a region-wide audience, we have one mission in mind – to build impact around the various dynamics that make each story unique to greater Detroit and those participating in it.