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Register to Vote, Detroit!

The Primary Is Coming, Detroit, Here’s How to Prepare


Voting, it’s easy, takes minimal effort and is perhaps the most basic form of participating in government, but in Michigan, a good amount of people still don’t do it. In 2016, Michigan saw a voter turnout of 63 percent, a margin that while still scoring a D- on a high school report card, is significantly higher than that year’s national rate of 55.7 percent. If you are curious about how to register to vote, keep on reading.

No matter what side you’re on, 2020 is a pivotal election year, one that will determine the course of America for years to come. So, in the face of this, we need people to go out and head to the polls. The deadline to register online and be eligible to vote in this upcoming Michigan Primary is approaching, and if you don’t know how to register, we’ll give you some tips, and we’ll also tell you what to look out for when you head to the polls.

For starters, remember that Michigan does have in-person same-day voter registration, meaning that if you need to, you can register your polling place the day of the election. However, if you do not intend to register in person, your deadline to register in any manner other than in-person with the local clerk for the Presidential Primary election is February 24th.

In the meantime, are you looking to register online or through the mail? We’ve got you.

Tor register to vote online or through the mail in the state of Michigan, you will need to have a valid Michigan driver’s license or state ID. To be eligible in the first place, you must be a Michigan resident at the time you register and a resident of your city or township for at least 30 days at the time you’re voting, as well as a U.S. citizen who is of at least 18-years-old. Also, important to remember, is that if you are currently serving a sentence in jail or prison, you will not have the right to vote in Michigan.

If you’re looking for information specific to your precinct, the Michigan Secretary of State website is full of information and should be your primary source when searching for answers.

One last thing to remember is always to check your registration status, which can be done here. While many assume registering is a one-time-affair, voter records are purged without notice, and people had found themselves unable to vote on election day when they thought they were previously registered.

The official date for the Michigan Primary Election is March 10th, and voters can find their precinct here. Both the Democratic and Republican primary will be taking place, and voters can find a complete list of candidates on both sides through Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s website.

See you at the polls, Detroit!

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